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Trump Calls for Privatizing Air Traffic Control Operations

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:10 pm
by wolfpack3
This is not good for GA! Imagine being charged for every transmission on your radio while flying. Think that it can't happen? Think again. There would be no limit to what privatized ATC would charge GA for.
Although not perfect by any means, the FAA here is the best in the world but they can't leave it alone and have to "fix" it. ... id/779048/

Re: Trump Calls for Privatizing Air Traffic Control Operatio

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 5:35 pm
by robbwerks
While I'm not in favor of private ATC whatsoever, the fact that it would be non-profit is at least better than what I would expect from Trump. If it gets changed to a private for-profit ATC, GA as a whole would be dead and an entire industry would collapse. Canada has a similar system that works pretty well, but there is no way the FAA could copy them without royally screwing it up. That being said, I still plan to fight this, and I'm not even a pilot yet.

Re: Trump Calls for Privatizing Air Traffic Control Operatio

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2017 9:56 pm
by WaiexN143NM
Hi all,
Dont wish for this, for atc privitization. The airlines are not your friend. They want the most seats on the board and to control things. ALPA showed their cards last year when they came out against basic med. Pres. Trump met a couple weeks ago with airline execs. NATCA , the controllers union, was in favor of privitization. They see a steady funding stream for running the system, hiring, training, equipment, facilities, etc.
Lots going on in the country. Russia, Boarder wall, healthcare, funding cuts for govt agiencies. Now is not the time to tip over the applecart. Time will tell.
New article on about trumps new budget proposal includes privatizing atc. Ugh, im glad im retired.


Re: Trump Calls for Privatizing Air Traffic Control Operatio

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:25 pm
by vwglenn
This will be the beginning of the death of aviation in this country. Not only will it compromise safety, it will eventually dismantle our entire aviation system.

Trump Calls for Privatizing Air Traffic Control Operations

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 12:57 pm
by caveman370
Hopefully our AOPA and EAA friends are all over this!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Re: Trump Calls for Privatizing Air Traffic Control Operatio

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 4:24 pm
by GordonTurner
I think what it will mean, after a few years of implementation, is a much greater concentration of assets at the large airports served by airlines, and the end of ATC service at any not major airport. Result will be poorer service to anyone not in a major metropolitan area.

For us, it will mean no affordable access to any airport that is "major", and most importantly no free use of the IFR system. I'm not sure there is actually a large effect on sports flying. If you fly for business or otherwise use the IFR system you may find yourself effectively priced out. You may find the regulatory environment pushing the small planes out of IFR as well as price.

Will there be a difference between a bureaucracy we have today and a corporation more directly influenced or controlled by the airlines? Hard to say. I suspect the biggest losers will be 135 charter outfits.

But the other way to look at it is we all pay our taxes and have for generations. The current system gives all Americans pretty reasonable and inexpensive access to aviation, based on us being American, not based on what is "cost effective" to provide. It's part of the mentality that has made America great.


Re: Trump Calls for Privatizing Air Traffic Control Operatio

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:24 pm
by robbwerks
If they start charging for IFR, then accidents and deaths will for sure increase, since many people will choose money over safety, or just can't afford it. At that point, the non-GA part of the aviation industry may demonize GA flying and lead to it getting outlawed for most if not all.

Re: Trump Calls for Privatizing Air Traffic Control Operatio

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 5:56 pm
by Mike53
As one who has flown under Canada's privatized system since it's inception in 1996 I can assure you's that our worst nightmares never came to fruition.
We have enjoyed a modernized ATC system that is free of any user fee's for general aviation.We have not been shunned from any airspace and are free to go anywhere we please with the complete cooperation of the Air traffic control system.
If your Governments intent is to copy the Nav Canada not for profit system your worst nightmares will also never come to fruition.

Here is a 20 year perspective on our system. ... UV7Al7X15A

I have no idea what your President has in mind,I'm simply saying that you have to wait till they put something on the table before you react as it's possible it will be better.
Whatever the outcome I wish you all the best

Re: Trump Calls for Privatizing Air Traffic Control Operatio

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 6:15 pm
by robbwerks
I think it would be great if a Nav Canada system was our worst case scenario. But, the truth is, our President is very much pro big business(Airlines), and doesn't seem to care much about the wants and needs of most Americans. I'm sure 99% of his friends don't fly their own plane, and if they do, they could afford whatever system he has in mind.

Re: Trump Calls for Privatizing Air Traffic Control Operatio

PostPosted: Mon Mar 20, 2017 7:59 pm
by vigilant104
Is this going to be a political thread, complete with villains and inferred intrique, "friends" of various politicians, etc or are we going to discuss how changes in the operation/management (>not< the policymaking) of ATC from govt to non-government entities might affect Sonex fliers? I just want to know so I can be ready with discussion points that match the thread.