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Another Sonex Mishap

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 3:43 am
by GordonTurner

Re: Another Sonex Mishap

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 8:05 am
by jjbardell

Re: Another Sonex Mishap

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 10:42 am
by WaiexN143NM
Hi all,
Sorry to hear. This aircraft was a regular at the rio linda fly ins in california. Doug smith had it then but had sold it. I hope the new owner Mr. Rennie is ok and can rebuild it.


Re: Another Sonex Mishap

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 12:36 pm
by LarryEWaiex121
Dough Smith,

If your out there and see this. A big sorry man! This was the very first Sonex I ever got a ride in before my Waiex was complete.
Doug picked me up at Sac. Intl and we flew the few miles from there to Rio Linda. Later that day I got a ride in another Sonex from Rio LInda to Colusa, CA.
About a 20 min run. I was so thrilled and went back home and banged rivets and worked tirelessly until my machine was completed and I flew down the next year from N. Idaho. Really sad to see your toy broken, even though you don't own it anymore. It still hurts.


Re: Another Sonex Mishap

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 3:11 pm
by billmaxmcw
I don't see how you could get out of that inverted plane without outside help.

Re: Another Sonex Mishap

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 4:12 pm
by WaiexN143NM
Hi all,
If you blow up the picture looks like a big chunk of plexi is laying on ground next to plane. Yes, interesting if he got out by himself or needed help.
I bought a big aluminum chizel thing from fly boy accessories to keep in baggage in case of remote and no help avbl.

Re: Another Sonex Mishap

PostPosted: Thu Mar 02, 2017 9:33 pm
by fastj22
WaiexN143NM wrote:Hi all,
If you blow up the picture looks like a big chunk of plexi is laying on ground next to plane. Yes, interesting if he got out by himself or needed help.
I bought a big aluminum chizel thing from fly boy accessories to keep in baggage in case of remote and no help avbl.

I bought an emergency tool from Autozone that has a seatbelt cutter, and hard pinned hammer on some brass knuckles thing. Little LED light on it too. Keep it velcroed to the sidewall just in case I find myself in a similar situation.

Re: Another Sonex Mishap

PostPosted: Sat Mar 11, 2017 7:15 am
by pepperdoug
Hi all...
Jeffry Larson notified me today about my plane. Sad to see it belly up! At least Rod is OK, so I'm grateful for that. I'm anxious to talk to him and find out how the heck he got out!!
Larry, it was 5/15/2010 when I picked you up at SMF. I think I landed on the last quarter of the runway just to keep from having a 5 minute taxi :-) then to hop over to Rio Linda...quite a contrast. I gave 4 other rides that day. I'll never know who they all are, but I'm sure they remember. Sonex is that kind of airplane.
It was 5 years to the day, 5/15/2015 when Rod and his instructor flew off into the sunset from Tracy. A bittersweet day. I flew with Rod's instructor to make sure he knew all the little idiosyncrasies and then he flew it to Petaluma with Rod.
The only Rio Linda Fly-in I missed (2009-2015) was 2012, because I was doing an engine change. Had to drive in that year! Rod was going to pick me up last year to go to Rio Linda, but he had food poisoning the day before so we scrubbed the trip. I think that was the last time I talked with him.
Many Young Eagles flew with me and countless friends. My logbook is like my life's diary! Over 400 hours in 801SX.
Oh, and two trips (2009-2010) to Oshkosh. The first with my Dad. What an experience to fly the airplane we built (along with so many friends, of course) to the Sonex homecoming. Amazing. The next year I flew with a co-worker and my wife flew in commercially. It's a trip we still talk about. Jeremy and Kate Monnett drove us across the airport when we were stranded on the wrong side of the field due to an airport closure. That was the last time I saw Jeremy.
My friend John is 6'4" and his legs could not fully extend due to the two inch drop down on the panel, but somehow he managed to fold into the plane for 30 hours and 15 landings. Heading home over Wyoming, John had to unkink his leg. I had a center stick and when he leaned left to shift his weight his left hand—and all his weight—pushed on the elevator rod forcing us instantly into a weightless dive. Well, that certain got our attention. Ah, but it's a problem. I think John will never forget that :-)
So many memories....

Re: Another Sonex Mishap

PostPosted: Sun Mar 12, 2017 5:20 pm
by pepperdoug
I posted this on another thread. Here's a little more info on Rod's flip over landing:

I talked with Rod about his recent flip-over landing. He said the canopy broke on impact and it was an easy exit under the wing. He was probably in shock, as you can imagine, but getting out was not an issue. He simply unbuckled his belt, even thought to turn off the fuel valve—not really thinking about the valve being above the tank now—before getting out. I think he said he went back in to gather some things as well. I also wonder if the fuel vent coming out the top book off or kinked to prevent fuel coming out. No answers to those questions as the plane was removed by someone hired from the insurance company. They did total it.

He described the event as an unexpected loss of flying speed just short of the dirt strip and traveling about 15 feet after the main gear impacted the soft ground. That's a pretty fast stop from 50-60MPH...

He mentioned the turtleneck design as acting as a roll bar that protected him. He also credits the shoulder strap with preventing any major injury to his head. After getting checked out by a doc there was no damage that a couple weeks rest won't resolve from the shoulder strap impact. I asked if he happened to check the G Meter, but unfortunately he did not. Might have been interesting...