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Which aerobatic maneuvers in a Sonex?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 9:34 pm
by mike.smith
With the limitation of not having inverted fuel and oil I'm wondering which aerobatic maneuvers everyone has had success with in their Sonexes. For me it's been:
- Aileron rolls
- Loops
- Spins
- Reverse 1/2 Cuban Eight

What else? What about hammerheads? Immelman? Others?

Re: Which aerobatic maneuvers in a Sonex?

PostPosted: Fri Dec 30, 2016 11:53 pm
by rbarber
I have done (with varying degrees of success):
Barrel rolls, power on and off
Cuban 8s (forward and reverse)
aileron rolls, power on and off
four point rolls (gotta keep a small positive g load and very short pauses)
loops (power on and off)
split S
Half loop (Immelman) (roll out on top is not pretty)
Spins (up to 2 turns)
Hammerhead is sorta doable, but not pretty. can't keep the up or down line straight.
And the most impressive flying maneuver: a landing (wheeled side down)

N157SX (Sexy Hexy)
785 hrs

A side note: If you are flying behind a Jab, rolls to the right without an oil separator will lubricate your tail wheel profusely.

Re: Which aerobatic maneuvers in a Sonex?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 12:22 pm
by sonex1374

Hammerheads (stall turns) are fun and easy in the Sonex.

With an entry speed of 130-140 mph you can pull into a vertical up line. Pull a half loop at 3 g's until vertical (look out the side at your wingtip). Let the plane slow until about 30. You'll probably feel like you're hanging in midair, and that's ok (actually, you don't want to apply rudder if you're still going too fast). Right before you run out of steam, kick full rudder and let the plane pivot. Come off the rudder before you hit the down line so you don't overshoot. Pull out of the dive before the airspeed jumps way up, staying below 3 g's on the pull out.

Immelmans and split s's are both fun as well. Entry for the immelman should be 130-140 (the faster the better) and reponds well to a harder initial pull (to keep up your speed for the roll to upright). Split s is just the opposite-the slower the better, with 80 as a good speed.


Re: Which aerobatic maneuvers in a Sonex?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 5:43 pm
by mike.smith
Great input Bob and Jeff. Thanks. I've done many of these in a Super Decathalon, but wasn't what the Sonex could do, especially given the lack of inverted fuel and oil. I may get to try some new stuff on Monday if the weather is good.

Re: Which aerobatic maneuvers in a Sonex?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 6:19 pm
by fastj22
Jeff you are inspiration. We have an aerobatic practice box just 3 miles from home.
Just took the Millennium Waiex out and tried a few hammerheads. They are really fun and quite easy. Just watch your speed coming out. Did a half a dozen barrel rolls to each side to cleanse the pallet. Really trying to keep them 1G all the way around like the late great Bob Hoover. Aileron rolls always finds me bumping a little negative trying to hold the horizon and those flying Cheetos from the last cross country make themselves known. Good way to end the year in flying.

Re: Which aerobatic maneuvers in a Sonex?

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2016 8:50 pm
by mike.smith