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How does the Sonex hold up in the rain?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 7:44 pm
by 142YX
I know that you guys who made it to Oshkosh this year must have some first hand experience with this..

I am wondering how the Sonex/Waiex holds up when tied down outside during a rain storm. Is the canopy very leaky? any spots that water tends to pool up? Any hints/tips/suggestions for operation or simple mods that could be done durring construction that could improve things?



Re: How does the Sonex hold up in the rain?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:04 pm
by fastj22
Most of the Sonex tied up overnight at OSH had canopy covers. I think an uncovered canopy would leak pretty bad on the front and back edge of the canopy into the cabin, possibly onto the panel which would not be good. I'm making or buying a canopy cover just for such situations.

Re: How does the Sonex hold up in the rain?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 11:17 pm
by MichaelFarley56
When I arrived at Oshkosh this year the first night was without canopy cover but the next day at the open house i got the Sonex cover for $198.00. Do yourself a favor and get one as its a very good investment. The stock canopy setup doesn't provide much protection and if the forward edge leaks it's going right onto the instrument panel.

Given the rain showers and storms we had this year, im very happy I made that purchase!

Re: How does the Sonex hold up in the rain?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 4:06 am
by 142YX
good tip on the canopy cover.

What about other areas though? accumulating at the wing root and running into the fuselage under the seat? at the tail joints and pooling up in the aft section? or is this not really any problem?

Re: How does the Sonex hold up in the rain?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:02 am
by MichaelFarley56
I didn't notice any water inside the fuselage this year even after several pretty heavy rain showers. When I washed the plane before the trip I saw a little bit of water leak into the fuselage at the wing root fairing but that will depend on how well you seal that fairing.

I think that, overall, there isn't much to worry about if the plane needs to sit outside for a few days. If nothing else take some painters tape and seal the canopy on the front and back edges for added safety. As long as water isn't pouring on the panel you'll probably be fine.

Re: How does the Sonex hold up in the rain?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 9:38 am
by falvarez
That's pretty encouraging...I was expecting responses to indicate much worse leaking. I was going to ask about putting drain holes in the bottom of the fuselage to add additional protection, but it sounds like if I just get a good cover, that should be sufficient.

Re: How does the Sonex hold up in the rain?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 10:59 pm
by N111YX
I've never seen any evidence of leakage into the airframe while parked (though my baby does not spend much time outside:).

However, I would keep a towel in the cockpit if any rain is expected while airborne. Water tends to seep in at the winshield/canopy bow area and right below that you will find your expensive instruments.

During my flight to OSH recently, I encountered about 20 continuous minutes of rain, 10 minutes of it I would consider it "moderate" and I had to use a T-shirt to act as a wiper inside the bow to keep my towel from becoming saturated!

A canopy cover on the road is mandatory...!

Re: How does the Sonex hold up in the rain?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2012 11:30 pm
by fastj22
When I had a C150, I kept it tied down outside. After heavy snows, I'd go out and broom off the snow and let the sun melt the ice. then when I'd hold down the tail, water would come out the fuse at the tail. Never had an issue with corrosion on any annual inspection. but even production aircraft take on some water if left out in the elements.

Re: How does the Sonex hold up in the rain?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:18 pm
by 142YX
I see the obvious value in having a canopy cover.. however i have heard horror stories and know several people who refuse to use them because of the propensity of dirt to get between your canopy and the cover, which then becomes sand paper under the influence of any wind and can cause scratches and haze to form. Maybe that is just something us guys in the desert worry about.

Re: How does the Sonex hold up in the rain?

PostPosted: Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:11 am
by N111YX
It's probably worse in the desert. I am careful during times when I have it on (fly-ins). Sun n Fun can be a bit gritty but I try to keep all the dirt on the outside. I always put the cover in the washing machine at home after being on the road...