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Jab radio noise - CB noise filter?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 6:29 pm
by andrewp

I was listening to the SonexFlight pod cast, and the boys were mentioning what they had done with radio noise.

I have the big blue capacitor on the firewall side and everything that is powered has independent grounding back to a common point. I have the iridium plugs which seem to have helped a little, but I still get ignition noise on receive but it is manageable. I wouldn't have cared terribly, but our project Cessna has a garmin 430W and it has stunning radio performance (not likely related to the 430) - not a single pop or click and it is wonderful. I digress...

I did hear the folks on the podcast mention using a CB radio power filter. I would love to know what is in one of those things, but mostly I am curious if anyone has used one between the regulator and the whatever you have connected it to and if you found one with enough grunt to cover the output of the alternator.



Re: Jab radio noise - CB noise filter?

PostPosted: Mon Oct 03, 2016 7:10 pm
by Corby202
I have always used a car radio noise filter on my radio's and think they do a good job. Get them off Ebay. 3 wire and basically just go into the power supply circuit to the radio, a small 10 amp unit will do the job.