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Feather in my cap

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:25 pm
by LarryEWaiex121
Last night I headed out on a short flight after being delayed at work.
Initial intentions were to fly 75 miles away to check on a rental house but time grew short and I deviated to Sandpoint airport. I like to support the outlying airports fuel sales. Not to mention the 60 cents per gallon break from my home field.
Approaching from the North, I flew a full left pattern for 20, crossing just past mid-field.
After landing and making my way to the pumps, I had two kids about 10 and 8 come peddling up to the perimeter fence. As I was doing the card lock and hooking up the static line. They were just jabbering 500 mph, with questions rapid fire. I didn't mind because I wasn't being held up in any way.
I was really surprised because there were King Airs, Beechjets, a Lear and numerous Cirrus and other aircraft on the ramp and these kids were just ape over my Waiex.
The oldest boy said, "oh man, that's the coolest airplane I've ever seen. I live just down the street and when I heard that thing go over, I just wanted to get here as quick as I could. That is the coolest airplane ever". Well, I was proud as a Peacock, although, I hardly felt like the coolest plane on the ramp.
What it did show was how youngsters relate to different exposures to aviation. The jets are boring, the nifty prop planes are cool! I agree.
As I got things squared away and the fuel hatch closed up ready to launch, I walked over to the fence and asked where they lived? Just down the street a few blocks. I asked if they have a mom or dad that would consider their going for a quick plane ride sometime, if permission was granted? Oh boy, their little faces light up like a LED bulb.
I told them, not tonight because I was tight on time, but assured them that next time I have a moment and they hear me come over, to just come to the fence and see. If I can possibly do this I would be glad to. Even though as a normal practice, I don't take smaller kids for liability reasons.
Sometimes people such as myself have to step beyond our normal comfort zones to spark an interest in the younger kids coming up.
I remember being an airport junkie at age 7-8. I pestered the hell out of the FBO till they let me wash the wheel pants on a huge Stinson Reliant with its big radial engine. I couldn't reach anything else. LOL. As my reward after a few times, I got a ride in their Super Cub for about 20 minutes with the door and window open. Every time I tried to work the rudder peddles I couldn't see over the nose, but I was "driven that plane" for all I was worth.
The airport was 3 miles away and I had a bicycle and would not be denied! My father was killed that summer just before I turned 8 and I guess the airport was my escape to a better place in my mind. Normally I would have been spanked till I danced for wandering off like this. I don't think my mom had the heart to beat me down on this matter.
Today we have 6 foot fences around every airport of any size. To me they might as well be wrapped with signs saying. "go away, your not welcome, your not worthy, don't ask, trespass and your in trouble. If I was a child today, I'd be in juvenal detention. LOL I simply loved airplanes and never got over it.
I will follow through and those kids will get their rides (permission granted) and I hope they remember that forked tail airplane with the older bald guy that took them out for some fun. The cool airplane, not the jets!

Waiex 121YX, Camit 3300

Re: Feather in my cap

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 12:41 pm
by onexpaul
That's a great story. Thanks Larry.


Re: Feather in my cap

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:08 pm
by ihab
Thank you for the story!

LarryEWaiex121 wrote:Today we have 6 foot fences around every airport of any size. To me they might as well be wrapped with signs saying. "go away, your not welcome, your not worthy, don't ask, trespass and your in trouble.

Agreed, I *hate* this about us. :( I have to preach to anyone who will listen that the local county airport is their airport, belonging to them, because they paid for it with their taxes, one way or the other. Most people are like, oh, it's a private thing, I cannot possibly go there.


Re: Feather in my cap

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 1:56 pm
by LarryEWaiex121

Your comment is spot on. You articulated the matter more clearly than I could. My blood pressure goes up when I see folks turned away that simply have a curiosity about aviation.
After I got back last night, I noticed some new planes on the ramp around the corner from my hanger. Turns out it was Burt Rutans Boomerang (twin engine beast) and his Catbird airplane tied down outside on the overflow ramp. Have no idea why they were here, although he does live here in Coeur d Alene now. I always figured the planes lived in Nevada or California?
Problem is I could walk up and look at them and some folks outside the fence were curious but I couldn't let them in and then leave on my terms. I would have to stay and escort them out. That stinks. I had to get home.


Re: Feather in my cap

PostPosted: Fri Aug 12, 2016 4:09 pm
by WaiexN143NM
Hi larry,
Great story thanks for sharing. I think bomerrang and catbird were given away to some young aviation junkies out in mojave. Were they heading homefrom oshkosh? The eaa and local chapters are a great resource to get young people started in aviation. Kudos to them. Some high schools building a plane also. There is an area on eaa grounds that they stage these planes, some finished, some under construction. Was fun to chat to some of the students. Then when plane done , time to fly and get a private rating. Kudos to the school districts and the instructers.
Have fun sharing, im sure the kids will never forget it.