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Sonex #145 power off glide approach rwy 16 YWOL

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2016 12:02 am
by rizzz
My friend Jurgen came over from Belgium for a visit. He's an airplane builder (RV7) as well so we definitely had to go for a flight while he's in the country. On the way back to the airfield, as there was nobody in the circuit, we decided to test the glide capabilities of the Sonex. I pulled the power to idle at 4500ft, about 5 miles out. Jurgen filmed the last 2500ft on his phone as we overflew the airfield and joined a high left middle of downwind. I made a tight base & final still with the power idle all the way to the ground. On base I pulled the flaps to 30 hence the fairly steep descent.