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Medical Reform Passes!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 5:54 pm
by fastj22
For those of us private pilots who fly LSA to avoid the flight surgeon, this is really good news.

Heck, I might even go for my IFR rating even though I'll never fly my Sonex that way.
Constant speed prop? Retracts? Hmmm, the mind wanders.

Re: Medical Reform Passes!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 9:10 pm
by ScottM-Sonex1629
Yeah! Supposed to be signed by the President by Friday, July 15th (before current temporary FAA funding authorization expires).

Wonder how long before the FAA enact the reform? 1-2 years? Or will it be an automatic change in policy?

I'm still able to obtain my 3rd class medical but let it expire last summer knowing I was only going to be flying my Sonex under LSA regs for the near future...and also with great expectation the PBOR2 would finally pass into law.

Re: Medical Reform Passes!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 9:15 pm
by dhogue
This is Great news.
It makes me feel good.

No more AME visits.
Reduced FAA medical branch regulation.
Good for Pilots (current and future).
Good for civil aviation community and commerce.

A lot of Pilots, EAA, AOPA, other orgs, and elected officials worked hard, for years, for this.

Thank You for that.

I will toast you all with the funds set aside for the next 3rd class medical.

The rest will go into my Onex.

Re: Medical Reform Passes!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 9:20 pm
by dhogue
ScottM-Sonex1629 wrote:Wonder how long before the FAA enact the reform? 1-2 years? Or will it be an automatic change in policy?

The FAA has 1 year, from the day it is enacted to publish the reform.
If they do not get it done by the end of 1 year we can fly as if the FAA published the reform with out getting in trouble.

Re: Medical Reform Passes!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 9:24 pm
by ScottM-Sonex1629
Thanks for the guess is the FAA takes no action and let's it default into law...

Re: Medical Reform Passes!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 13, 2016 10:09 pm
by fastj22
The FAA will run out the clock on this and pass their regs at the last minute. All of us who are delaying getting a current medical with either have to continue to fly LSA or get a medical. I'm in that boat. I want to start towing gliders but need it now to get current. I can wait a year, or just do it. Probably will just go get it. Been flying LSA rules for 5 years.

Re: Medical Reform Passes!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 12:19 am
by MichaelFarley56
I don't want to make this into a political rant but I'm not counting my chickens until they hatch (and POTUS actually signs this into law), but it's exciting to think about! I hope it ends up happening and the FAA welcomes the change.

Re: Medical Reform Passes!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:29 am
by Fastcapy
I am happy about it but I wonder what it will do to values of light sport aircraft.

Granted this will not cause a drop in value like the original text of just getting rid of the medical outright would have caused, but I still have a feeling that this will cause a drop in the value of LSA's because people who were buying a LSA fearing not passing their medical renewal now don't have that worry. I know 2 Sonex owners who sold their RV's and bought a Sonex for that very reason, so that is the one thing I am concerned about with this bill.

Re: Medical Reform Passes!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:30 am
by Fastcapy
MichaelFarley56 wrote:I don't want to make this into a political rant but I'm not counting my chickens until they hatch (and POTUS actually signs this into law), but it's exciting to think about! I hope it ends up happening and the FAA welcomes the change.

From everything I have read Obama said he plans on signing it.

Besides the vote on it was veto proof, so no real reason for him not to sign it.

Re: Medical Reform Passes!

PostPosted: Thu Jul 14, 2016 8:41 am
by Fastcapy
Ok, one other thing that I am kind of wondering about with this bill is how many of the general practice M.D's will not want to sign the form fearing liability. I have not heard anything about any kind of verbiage releasing them from liability if they sign it which may make some leery of signing it. Or they just are not quite aware of what it is and not want to sign it.