Help build the Lessons Learned archive

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Re: Help build the Lessons Learned archive

Postby NWade » Thu May 07, 2020 5:27 pm

Jeff (and others) -

I'm loving this idea and hope to contribute in the next few days!

One suggest I have after reading the first couple of articles posted: Consider adding a "Keywords:" section to the bottom of each article. It would be a "P.S." sort of segment; not there for actual reading but there to act as "metadata tags" and help ensure they show up in search results when folks use the Search function. Sometimes the words we use to describe a part or a fix are not the same words that a newbie builder would use to describe the actual *problem* or what they perceive to be the issue. Having these keywords would help point them to the right article even when they don't search for the exact right terms.

For example, with the the elevator weldment article you posted I'd include the words/phrases "elevator travel", "elevator horn", "control horn", "horizontal stabilizer placement", "elevator alignment", "vertical stabilizer contact", etc...

Give it a think and let me know if this merits any further development/refinement.

Posts: 527
Joined: Mon Aug 08, 2011 3:58 pm

Re: Help build the Lessons Learned archive

Postby sonex1374 » Fri May 08, 2020 8:52 am


That is an excellent idea. The search function will hit on any of the keywords or phrases already used in the write-up, but we can add additional similar search phrases or keywords that someone might use to find the same information. That might help direct people to the right post as well.

Thanks for jumping in and tackling a Lesson Learned topic!

Jeff Shultz
Sonex TD, 3300, AeroInjector
Kansas City, MO
Posts: 605
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:02 am

Re: Help build the Lessons Learned archive

Postby sonex1374 » Fri May 08, 2020 2:32 pm

In addition to Paul's suggested topics, I've received several private messages and emails suggesting topics that should be covered in the archive. I'm placing them here as a running to-do list. There are certainly more needed, and the list can grow and expand with new ideas and input.

Take a look, pick a topic, and write up a short post for the Lessons Learned archive. Everyone can help, so jump right in!


- AeroInjector tips and common mistakes
- AeroConversions hydraulic brake mounting brackets
- Landing gear bolts
- Wheel pant modifications for larger tires
- Oops fitting installation (both new tank installs, and replacement of leaking pre-molded fittings)
- Cowl trimming
- Correcting a heavy wing
- Wire conduit in wings
- Drilling tight-fit holes
- Considerations if flush riveting the entire airframe
- Hinge drilling techniques (template, alignment jigs, etc)
- Riveting tips (tools, techniques, rivet removal, hard to reach areas)
- Achieving a smooth leading edge wing skin
- Annual condition inspection (common problem items, focus areas, sample checklists)
- Avoiding blown AeroVee oil coolers
- Plan for panel access
- Plan for wire routing rather than allowing to evolve organically
- Inspect flap stop angle for possible binding issues, and modify width of notches as needed.
- Fuel flow is very valuable for proper engine tuning
- Alternate wing rigging procedure is effective at reducing spar attach block drilling errors
- Extra care is needed fitting the wheel pants beyond what may be obvious (sufficient clamping of pant, sufficient clearance around tire, sufficient reinforcement of pant at mounting locations).
- Care must be used when fitting the axle weldment to the gear leg or the holes thru the thin axle weldment can elongate and cause a loose fit (shimmy, bolt damage).
- Techniques for reducing radio noise
- Cabin heat muffs must be located and sized properly to provide sufficient heat, and must be fabricate properly to eliminate carbon monoxide gas contamination caused by leaking exhaust pipes (including nearby slip joints). User experience has shown typical heat muffs are ineffective.
- Firewall must be sealed (comprehensive approach is best) to prevent exhaust gas and carbon monoxide intrusion into the cabin.
- Operational considerations and limitations of the two fuel vent options detailed in the plans. Possible modification using a check valve to prevent fuel loss out vent.
Jeff Shultz
Sonex TD, 3300, AeroInjector
Kansas City, MO
Posts: 605
Joined: Thu Mar 27, 2014 1:02 am


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