A very special Young Eagle flight.

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A very special Young Eagle flight.

Postby GraemeSmith » Mon Sep 23, 2019 6:00 am

A YE flight is very special for the young person - but Sunday's was extra special for ME.

Now strictly speaking my young person did not qualify for the flight. He is not quite 8 years old as required by the EAA. But he has been so wanting to fly a plane. And today was pretty much ideal. So we conducted it as if it was a Young Eagle flight - just without the paperwork - with permission of his parents (well of course!).

Back in March 2011 when I was wintering through my primary training - my CFI clambered aboard after the preflight. It was pretty clear to me that he didn't pass IM SAFE. He was distracted and otherwise occupied in his thoughts. After a moment we agreed that I would just student solo that day. He might be sitting in the plane - but he wasn't there. Reason? Well he just discovered that morning that he was about to become a father. And while we could congratulate all we want - it was distracting!

So today - I was truly and deeply honored to be allowed to fly precious cargo - my primary CFI's 7 year and 10 month old son for his first flight (Dad now flies for NetJets and the opportunity to let his kid fly has not occurred). Coincidentally today was from the same airport and runway (KSFZ Rwy 23) as his Dad had soloed me 18th Dec 2010.

After some initial nervousness the YE got it down and as our 40 mins were up and we were returning to the airport - he really didn't want to land. He just wanted to keep on flying.

It was a memorable and wonderful flight and I'm touched my primary CFI trusted me to be the one to give it. And it was in a Sonex!

Perched on top of no less than 4 phone books lashed to the seat so he could see - at the end of the flight he reported his his butt felt funny!

He really got the light touch and was straight and level after about 15 mins stick time!
Graeme JW Smith
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Re: A very special Young Eagle flight.

Postby WaiexN143NM » Mon Sep 23, 2019 3:26 pm

Hi Graeme,
What a great story. Thanks for sharing!!

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Re: A very special Young Eagle flight.

Postby mike.smith » Mon Sep 23, 2019 9:19 pm

I just love flying kids! Thanks for making the flight, and thanks for the report!
Mike Smith
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