It would appear the holes were not good enough at least on the forward side, I think I’ve just been in denial the last week or so, not wanting to see the truth.
It is not really visible from the pictures here but there is too much movement in those forward angles, I made a couple of videos of me wiggling the bolt in the hole and Kerry says I need to remake the parts with enlarged holes or upsize the holes.
I also put the wings back on this weekend and got my friend to move the wings while I examine the movement of the bolt, You can’t see the
wing move relative to the fuselage, that seems rock solid, but when you look closely at the bolts on the forward side, slight movement can be detected, at least on one side.
I’ve put a video on my dropbox account, I guess it’s best to share my experience with everybody so others can learn from my mistake. This will at least show you what is not good enough.
As this is my personal dropbox space, this video won’t be there forever, download it now if you’d like to keep it for future reference.
The video first shows the AN6 bolt in the spar box without the wings installed, You can see me moving the bolt in the hole forward angle, then I switch to trying to move the bolt in the aft angle, this is pretty solid, no movement at all, then I switch back to the forward angle. Finally, notice I install a different bolt in the hole, this is a metric 10mm (0.394”) bolt, at 0.019” larger this bolt seems to match the hole perfectly so that gives me an idea of how much this hole has been enlarged. Anyway, here’s the link:, I have 2 options now:
1. Re-make the forward vertical fuselage angles & forward
wing attach block assemblies, re-mate the spars using a 3/8 – 1/4 bushing, reinstall the wings and updrill aft to forward this time. The holes in my aft vertical fuselage angles and aft
attach block assemblies are perfect so no need to re-make those.
2. Updrill the hole for a larger bolt, given the perfect fit of a 10mm bolt as shown in the video, updrilling/reaming to 10mm is looking really tempting, given it’s only a mear 0.019” I might actually be able to take the
attach block assemblies off the wings, take the angles off the fuselage and ream each one out individually on the drill press. With only such a small amount to ream away I don’t believe there would be any issues doing each part individually and then rematching everything back together.
I’m not sure which way I’ll go yet, option 2 is certainly the “easier” option and Kerry agrees this can work if executed well, but if I screw it up I would then have destroyed my aft angles and
attach blocks as well. From that perspective option 2 is more like the risky “easy way out” option, I’m going to do some practice runs with my 10mm reamers to see how big the risk is.