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Re: B-Model conversion

Project update. I'm back from Antarctica and have dug into the project. Got the seat pan all up drilled and clecoed. Side panels are mostly done too. Its good to be back into the building mindset. So some comments. The conversion kit is basically everything unique to the B-model. They expect you to ...
by fastj22
Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:27 pm
Forum: Sonex-B / Waiex-B
Topic: B-Model conversion
Replies: 36
Views: 34704

Re: Final NTSB report N393SX Sonex

I believe this is the gentleman who did the podcast with us on the B-Model conversion. Glad to hear he didn't get hurt. The reason for the conversion was a damaged A-model.
by fastj22
Mon Dec 17, 2018 9:02 pm
Forum: Safety and Training
Topic: Final NTSB report N393SX Sonex
Replies: 15
Views: 13011

Re: Proposed changes for Oshkosh arrivals

When we approached Fiske during the peak of mess, I actually had to turn off ADS-B in because the beehive was blocking my navigation line and it was information overload. Just kept my head on a swivel. We were a flight of four going in, Jim Hicke leading, then Mike, then me, then Carl in his Nanchan...
by fastj22
Sat Dec 08, 2018 9:23 pm
Forum: Fly-Ins
Topic: Proposed changes for Oshkosh arrivals
Replies: 7
Views: 16095

Re: Windscreen

I have spilled 100ll on my windscreen without any effect. However, I did see Jeff Schultz's windscreen craze from the same treatment. Can't say why some do and some don't. Best to keep the juice off the glass. Someone was promoting some sort of "dicky" that you put over the glass and prote...
by fastj22
Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:34 pm
Forum: Sonex
Topic: Windscreen
Replies: 5
Views: 4298

Re: Aeroinjector -- caution!

I think the key to Aerocarb success is to set the mixture needle rich of what you need. Not to the point of stalling the engine, but where it will run at full mix. Then when you fly, you always pull back the mixture to what the engine needs. This is key for us high altitude airfields guys. We typica...
by fastj22
Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:14 pm
Forum: Aerovee
Topic: Aeroinjector -- caution!
Replies: 53
Views: 38055

Re: Motivation: Keep Building!

So, my flight interests have altered over the past year, I got my commercial glider rating and got checked out to tow gliders in the club Pawnee. It really took most of my flight time over the summer. The Waiex sat mostly idle. I also got the opportunity to deploy to Antarctica for a month this fall...
by fastj22
Tue Nov 27, 2018 9:07 pm
Forum: General Discussion
Topic: Motivation: Keep Building!
Replies: 9
Views: 6096

Re: Aeroinjector -- caution!

I went back to the Aerocarb. Its primitive and requires you know its limitations, but its simplicity is its strong point. Just gotta adjust mixture a lot.
by fastj22
Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:06 pm
Forum: Aerovee
Topic: Aeroinjector -- caution!
Replies: 53
Views: 38055

Re: Cotton Waiex 191 - N191YX

Bryan Cotton wrote:John,
Had I known before, I would have taken you up on it. I am almost finished with the last fairing though. I appreciate the offer!

They look great. Sleep well thinking you really put the correct effort into building your own aircraft!
by fastj22
Sun Nov 25, 2018 8:40 pm
Forum: Photo Album
Topic: Cotton Waiex 191 - N191YX
Replies: 1598
Views: 4872088

Re: Cotton Waiex 191 - N191YX

Funny Bryan.
My conversion kit came with pre-molded ABS pushrod and rudder cable fairings. Since I already went through he pain of fabricating mine from aluminum, I'd have gladly given you these. Anyone else building a waiex and wants these fiddly bits, the cost is cold beer when I arrive at OSH.
by fastj22
Sun Nov 25, 2018 8:25 pm
Forum: Photo Album
Topic: Cotton Waiex 191 - N191YX
Replies: 1598
Views: 4872088

Re: Waiex ventral fin

My plane doesn’t have one because I simply ran out of material to build one. Called the factory, they said no problems to fly without. Never gave it a second thought.
by fastj22
Thu Oct 18, 2018 2:57 am
Forum: Waiex
Topic: Waiex ventral fin
Replies: 8
Views: 17259

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